Our Pre-school Program
Our Daily Program
The daily program at Minooka Pre-School provides play-based activities that stimulate decision making, problem solving, creativity, imagination, language, social and motor skills. The program is guided by the principles and outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF V2.0) based on children's interests along with input from children, families, educators and the community.
We have a mixture of passive and active, structured and non-structured experiences each day. Group times and routine times form an important part of our day. Our group times are comprised of stories, language experiences, cognitive experiences, music experiences, literacy and numeracy experiences in small groups. Our rest time is comprised of relaxation and quiet activities.
Our Inclusion Support Program
Here at Minooka Pre-school we are very proud of our reputation for providing support for children with additional needs.
Our aim is for all children to be successfully included in our environment. Some children require additional support to enable them to do this.
Minooka receives funding from the NSW Department of Education for individual children to receive extra support to facilitate this inclusion. Families are offered support and we liaise with specialist agencies and staff to ensure each child's needs are met.
If your child has a diagnosed additional need or you have concerns about any aspect of your child's development please consult with our director to arrange a time where we can discuss any issues or concerns you have.